saf Archive

  • Why it is better to have a smaller size professional military composed of regular men and women rather than a conscription system

    What the Battle of Red Cliff tells us about NS

    Why it is better to have a smaller size professional military composed of regular men and women rather than a conscription system

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  • It has become more apparent that values and ethics represent a thin line between right and wrong with influence like materialism, achievement, wealth, and peer pressure.

    Ethics and SAF Values

    It has become more apparent that values and ethics represent a thin line between right and wrong with influence like materialism, achievement, wealth, and peer pressure.

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  • Territorial claims over South China Sea are contested by ASEAN member states, People's Republic of China, and the Republic of China.

    A safety net for securing the South China Sea

    Territorial claims over South China Sea are contested by ASEAN member states, People's Republic of China, and the Republic of China.

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  • The Savings and Employee Retirement Plan, or Saver scheme, for commissioned SAF officers was launched with much fanfare in 1998. Two years later, the PREMIUM scheme, for warrant officers was launched. Last month, it was announced that the career schemes for officers and WOs will be 'enhanced' and that a third career track, the Military Domain Experts Scheme (MDES), was being created.

    Back to future enhancements

    The Savings and Employee Retirement Plan, or Saver scheme, for commissioned SAF officers was launched with much fanfare in 1998. Two years later, the PREMIUM scheme, for warrant officers was launched. Last month, it was announced that the career schemes for officers and WOs will be 'enhanced' and that a third career track, the Military Domain Experts Scheme (MDES), was being created.

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