conservative Archive

  • Social media has considerably lowered the barrier to participation and thus empowered individuals to claim a stake on national issues through participation in national conversations.

    National conversations: monopoly no more

    Social media has considerably lowered the barrier to participation and thus empowered individuals to claim a stake on national issues through participation in national conversations.

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  • By merely leaning on an obvious Christian formulation of sexual morality, there is not just a flagrant disregard for how complex and varied the world operates with various other codes and conventions peculiar to different cultures and polities, it also entrenches students in a myth that there can and should only be an absolute morality, and in this case, one conspicuously espoused by Christian traditionalists.

    Four out of six MOE sex-ed vendors are Christian organisations

    By merely leaning on an obvious Christian formulation of sexual morality, there is not just a flagrant disregard for how complex and varied the world operates with various other codes and conventions peculiar to different cultures and polities, it also entrenches students in a myth that there can and should only be an absolute morality, and in this case, one conspicuously espoused by Christian traditionalists.

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